I’m very happy to announce the release of Mockery 0.9.0.
Mockery is a simple yet flexible PHP mock object framework for use in unit testing with PHPUnit, PHPSpec or any other testing framework. Its core goal is to offer a test double framework with a succint API capable of clearly defining all possible object operations and interactions using a human readable Domain Specific Language (DSL). Designed as a drop in alternative to PHPUnit’s phpunit-mock-objects library, Mockery is easy to integrate with PHPUnit and can operate alongside phpunit-mock-objects without the World ending.
According to the number crunching machines over at VersionEye, Mockery is the 7th most referenced Composer package for PHP with 1,051 packages currently referencing Mockery as a development dependency. That is a great achievement and I appreciate the efforts of everyone who has taken the time to send in issues and pull requests.
Thanks to the efforts of Dave Marshall (@davedevelopment), who has taken point on Mockery for most of 2013, the new release improves stability, performance and compatibility with HHVM. I was going to trawl through the commits to write a summary of changes, but Dave was kind enough to do that for me too so here are the highlights. The new 0.9.0 release is now available on Packagist.org and through the SurviveTheDeepend.org PEAR channel.
Mocking Protected Methods
Contentious point for purists, but Mockery now allows you to mock protected methods, but it’s specifically opt-in. Its main use case will be shorthand for making fake derivatives of abstract classes.
require "vendor/autoload.php";
abstract class Foo
public function bar()
$res = $this->doBar();
return $res * 2;
abstract protected function doBar();
$foo = Mockery::mock("Foo")->makePartial()
echo $foo->bar(); // 256
Generator Rewrite
The code generation has been completely rewritten, it’s a little cleaner and has more unit tests. This new generator is now wrapped with a caching layer by default. This means that Mockery wont generate a new mock class if it’s already generated a suitable class.
$fooMock1 = Mockery::mock("Foo"); // generates a mock class deriving from Foo
$fooMock2 = Mockery::mock("Foo"); // re-uses the same mock class
$partialFoo = Mockery::mock("Foo[bar]"); // can't reuse class, so generates new
This brings significant performance boosts on larger suites, particularly with memory consumption. It’s not all that important to some, but I like a fast feedback loop and it will definitely help some people running their suites on travis with xdebug for coverage.
laravel/framework with Mockery 0.8.0 and Zend PHP 5.5.6
Time: 3.9 seconds, Memory: 276.50Mb
laravel/framework with Mockery 0.9.0 and Zend PHP 5.5.6
Time: 1.61 seconds, Memory: 66.50Mb
laravel/framework with Mockery 0.8.0 and Zend PHP 5.5.6 w/xdebug
Time: 5.96 seconds, Memory: 334.25Mb
laravel/framework with Mockery 0.9.0 and Zend PHP 5.5.6 w/xdebug
Time: 3.38 seconds, Memory: 74.00Mb
laravel/framework with Mockery 0.8.0 and HHVM
Time: 42.91 seconds, Memory: 388.57Mb
laravel/framework with
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