Understanding Symfony Bundle Configuration and Service Container

Posted by Unknown on Monday, February 3, 2014

In this post we’ll cover different ways on how to configure Bundles in Symfony2 and how the dependency injection container works with the configuration. The Bundle configuration and Symfony dependency injection container (also known as service container) can be difficult concepts to grasp when first starting development with Symfony2, especially if dependency injection is not a familiar concept beforehand. Bundle configuration can also be a little bit confusing, since there are multiple ways to do it and the best approach depends on the situation.

All of the configuration examples in this post are in YAML. Symfony also supports other configuration formats (XML and PHP array) and they are valid options. I am used to working with YAML because I think it’s more readable than XML, but you do get the benefit of schema validation when using XML. The choice of the configuration format is up to you (or your project team) and there is no right or wrong option here. Just use the one you feel most comfortable with.

Bundle creation

A Bundle is a directory containing a set of files (PHP files, stylesheets, JavaScripts, images, …) that implement a single feature (a blog, a forum, etc). In Symfony2, (almost) everything lives inside a bundle.

or, in other words, from the docs

A bundle is similar to a plugin in other software, but even better. The key difference is that everything is a bundle in Symfony2, including both the core framework functionality and the code written for your application. Bundles are first-class citizens in Symfony2. This gives you the flexibility to use pre-built features packaged in third-party bundles or to distribute your own bundles. It makes it easy to pick and choose which features to enable in your application and to optimize them the way you want.

When you create a new bundle, either by auto-generating it (php app/console generate:bundle --namespace=Acme/TestBundle) or manually, you need the BundleNameBundle.php file at the root directory of the bundle. The class in this file, while mostly empty, extends the Symfony core Symfony\Component\HttpKernel\Bundle\Bundle class and it is what you need to register in the AppKernel registerBundles method. When the kernel boots, it creates instances of each bundle and loads the container extension of each bundle (using methods in the parent Bundle class). The container extension is the class in BundleNameExtension.php file inside the DependencyInjection folder of the bundle. The container extension class loads and manages the bundle configuration. The whole extension class is optional and the bundle will work without it, but it’s good to know how things work to better understand the configuration system.

Loading the bundle configuration, the easy way

As I stated above, the extension class is optional and there are other ways to configure a bundle. The simplest form of bundle configuration is to configure the parameters and services inside the application’s main configuration file (app/config/config.yml). This is a totally valid option, although you need to understand the implications of this to better understand when this really is appropriate. Having bundle configuration in the main config file makes your bundle tightly coupled to the current application, and therefore not very portable. This might be okay, if the bundle doesn’t have many services or parameters and you know it will be used only in the current application. This said, I really don’t recommend using this approach even then, because things tend to change and more configuration might be needed later on and other developers will probably look for the configuration inside the bundle.

Another simple method is to have a separate configuration file inside the bundle (Resources/config/services.yml for example) and import it in the main configuration. At the beginning of config.yml there are usually some imports already, so all you need to do is add one more import to the list that points to your bundle configuration file. Note, the path is relative to the main config file. Here is a small example:

- { resource: parameters

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