HTTPS Basics

Posted by Unknown on Sunday, March 30, 2014

Hypertext Transfer Protocol Secure or Hypertext Transfer Protocol over SSL is used for secure communication over a network, or perhaps more importantly - over the Internet. You would see https:// in the URI and a lock icon in the browser when you access a page that uses HTTPS.

If you ever wondered whether and how to go HTTPS with your website, we’ll attempt to clear this up in this article by briefly describing what HTTPS is about, and why and how to implement it.

Why to go HTTPS

Consider developing an e-commerce website that requires your users to enter sensitive information, such as credit card details, in order to proceed with an online transaction. If the information travels over the Internet as is and is intercepted by someone, it could be easily understood and misused. This is where HTTPS comes in - if you need to prevent these types of threats, you need to go HTTPS.

HTTPS promises you two things; first, the sensitive data is encrypted into gibberish by applying a cryptography mechanism which can be decrypted only by your server, the certificate owner. Now, if this information is intercepted with a man-in-the-middle attack, it will be meaningless. Secondly, HTTPS authenticates that the website is the website it claims to be. In your case, it will validate your website before sending your user’s encrypted credit card details so no one else can imitate you.

Thus, going HTTPS authenticates your website and protects sensitive information being communicated over the Internet. This is made possible with the help of Certificates and Encryption.

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