Technology Advisors, a Three-Star Platinum Partner of SugarCRM, will be hosting the Midwest SugarCRM User Group Meeting at the Park Ridge Country Club on Tuesday, June 3rd, from 8:30 AM – Noon. The user group meeting is free and breakfast will be served. There will be presentations on new products and upgrades from SugarCRM, Net-Results, and Dun & Bradstreet, as well as networking opportunities with other Sugar users from the Chicago area.
Net-Results’ marketing automation software and Dun & Bradstreet’s commercial information and business insight software are both products with Sugar integration. SugarCRM will be presenting their new integration with IBM Cognos Business Intelligence, and also the upgrade schedules for on-demand and on-premise customers. Technology Advisors will be presenting their Advanced Support Manager, a module that enhances the existing customer support features in Sugar.
In addition to the User Group in the morning, Technology Advisors will be hosting a Hackathon at their headquarters the afternoon of June 3rd, with lunch starting at 12:30. The Hackathon will involve technical work on any projects attendees wanted to create, with Technology Advisors’ experienced team of Sugar developers. Registrants can attend one or both of the Hackathon and SugarCRM User Group Meeting.

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