PHP 5.6 End of Beta

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, June 7, 2014

On June 5th 2014, the PHP group announced the fourth and final beta of the 5.6 version. This milestone ends the beta program and begins the RC program ( currently planned for June 19th), which will from now on focus exclusively on making sure the version is stable enough for release. As is customary with a beta program, no new features were added since beta 1 - all the releases were bugfix and improvement patches only.


Some five months ago we published a list of upcoming new 5.6 features, and since then the PHP group has created a more approachable summary of the changes than one that can be seen in the cryptic changelogs. The list, also called the 5.6 migration guide, is an already very useful work in progress and contains a simple demo of every new feature that matters - you can check it out here.

If you’re interested in seeing all the bugfixes through the betas, you can read the changelog on Github.

Things we haven’t covered in our original post but which have been added in the meanwhile are:


In a nutshell, “exponentiation via **” it’s an operator which lets you easily calculate a number to the power of another number. However, the order of execution might be counter-intuitive to some. The example states:

$a = 2**3; // $a = 8, i.e. 2^3
= 2**3**2; // $b is 512

Most people new to the exponent operator will assume the second line groups operations as such:

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