Check Your Code’s Quality with SensioLabs Insight

Posted by Unknown on Wednesday, August 6, 2014

The quality of your code is as important as testing your application. Recently, we have seen multiple articles which hopefully helped you on your way to providing a more stable application. Today, we are going to have a closer look at SensioLabs Insight. If you used Symfony or Silex in the past, you are probably familiar with SensioLabs, since they are the main sponsor of the Symfony framework.

What is SensioLabs Insight?

SensioLabs Insight is a quality assurance tool which can be used to determine the quality of your code. You are probably already aware of QA tools like PHPMD, PHPCPD and PHPUnit, for example. Although SensioLabs Insight has some similar checks, it also does much more. Do note, however, that SensioLabs Insight does not run on your local environment, but rather as a service by SensioLabs.

As of this writing, it has 99 checkpoints it scans for. It scans for everything from simple things like var_dump() and TODO: within your code to security issues and performance flaws. You can see a complete list of what they analyze on this page.

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