What to Expect from Yii 2.0

Posted by Unknown on Saturday, September 20, 2014

Yii 2.0 was released into beta last April and the goal for a first stable release was set for the middle of 2014. The GitHub issue list has 300 open issues and 2913 closed while I’m writing this and both numbers are still increasing. The progress to the 2.0RC milestone was at 99%. My guess is that the team is close, but we’ll probably have to wait just a little bit longer. While we’re all waiting, lets take a look at what we can expect by looking at an already available example.

A tiny bit of history

The first version of Yii became popular quite fast after it was released in 2008. It’s founder, Qiang Xue, previously worked on the Prado framework and used experience and feedback from that to build Yii.

Yii uses many ideas from other frameworks, languages and libraries: Prado, Ruby, jQuery, Symfony and Joomla are all acknowledged as sources of inspiration.

The first commits for Yii 2.0 date back to 2011 but the development picked up last year. The team did a rewrite with an aim to become the state of the art new generation PHP framework. It adopts the latest technologies and features, such as Composer, PSR, namespaces, traits, and more.

Something worth mentioning is that according to the download page Yii version 1.1 support will end on December 31, 2015, so we do get some time to start thinking about making the transition.


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