Build your own PHP Framework with Symfony Components

Posted by Unknown on Thursday, October 2, 2014

You’ve probably met Symfony in your PHP career - or have at least heard of it. What you may not know is that Symfony is, at its core, composed of separate libraries called components, which can be reused in any PHP application.

For example, the popular PHP framework Laravel was developed using several Symfony components we will also be using in this tutorial. The next version of the popular CMS Drupal is also being built on top of some of the main Symfony components.

We’ll see how to build a minimal PHP framework using these components, and how they can interact to create a basic structure for any web application.

Note: This tutorial won’t cover every Symfony component and every feature of each one. We’ll see only the main things that we need to build a minimal functional framework. If you want to go deeper into Symfony components, I encourage you to read their excellent documentation.

Creating the project

We’ll start from scratch with a simple index.php file at the root of our project directory, and use Composer to install the dependencies.

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